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Phone Icon (423) 680-6053

Frequently Asked Questions

Our highly experienced team can come show you how to set up a finishing system that works for your operations. Brandt Industries also provides on-site service to assist in process development.

Q. What is the best media to use?

A. There are numerous types, sizes, and shapes of media available. Your choice will depend on the metal type, configuration of the parts, and finish required. Our representative offers process samples that show the various finishes available, making your media selection much easier.

Q. Which compound do I need?

A. As with the media selections, there is a wide range of compound choices. Are you trying to clean and deburr or remove heat treat scale or ball burnish? Answering that question immediately narrows the field. The best way is to speak with one of our representatives and draw on their years of experience to help in selecting the best compound for the job.

Q. How many parts can I run in my machine?

A. The answer depends on how delicate the parts are. Often, the ratio of 4 media to 1 part is used. However, a large, heavy part may have to be finished by itself, while some are processed part on part, eliminating the need for media.

Q. If I have less than a normal load of parts, can I save money by not filling the machine with media?

A. No. The finishing machines are designed to run with a full load of parts and media. Reducing the load height will lengthen the cycle time and increase the risk of part damage.

Q. I need a blast cabinet. Should I get a suction or pressure system?

A. Either can be used economically for surface preparation. The advantage of a suction system is lower initial cost and usually lower maintenance costs. The advantage with a pressure system is a production rate 3 to 4 times faster.

Q. What is the difference between air blast and wheel blast?

A. Abrasive blasting is the operation of propelling a stream of abrasive material against a surface. Air- blast systems use compressed air. The most common media used with this method are glass beads and aluminum oxide in cabinets utilizing reclaim systems. It allows for multiple passes of the media through the system, which greatly reduces consumption and costs.

Wheel-blast systems utilize centrifugal force to propel the abrasive against an object. This style of machine is a high-power, high-efficiency blasting operation paired with recyclable abrasives. Typically steel or stainless steel shot, grit, cut wire, or pellets are used. These systems are often used in peening operations to improve the performance, endurance, and strength of metal parts.

Q. Our company has a new project requiring deburring and cleaning of machined parts. How can we economically get started when we're not sure how long the contract will last?

A. Brandt Industries assists with temporary job shop services, allowing you time to let the project develop. We work with you to select the right equipment and supplies to move your process in-house. Our representative also trains personnel in proper processing techniques.

Minimum Sales Quantities:

Dry Products - 50 Pounds
Liquid Products - 5 Gallons (Pail)

Freight Terms:

Freight Shipped Collect FOB - Chattanooga, TN
Minimum Job Shop Pricing - $85.00